Everyday in the life of every college student, there are decisions and choices to make, deadlines to meet, books to read, tests to study for, ball games to attend. Everyday, there is victory and defeat. The BCM at UNA is here to encourage, reach out, uplift and help in any way possible. We are here to provide a place where you can make time for God, friends and all the fun things inside of the collegiate life.
Meet The Staff
Matt Daniels
Campus Minister
Matt is excited to be back on the campus of UNA and loves ministering at the college he attended. Matt is a former student and served at the BCM while a student at UNA. Matt and his wife, Morgan, along with their precious son, Luke, eagerly work to see God do great things through the BCM.
Karla Burdette
Ministry Assistant
Affectionately known as "Mrs. Karla,"
Karla came on board at the BCM in 2012. She enjoys spending time with her family and learning more about God with her church family at First Baptist Killen.